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FCC certified
Device suitable for Venetian blinds, Rolling shutters, Awnings, Screens, Pergolas
Equipped with the Cherubini remote control system
Spontaneity, originality, brio.
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General features
Main characteristics
Made of 5 different colours closing caps and matching cords, the kit allows the end-user to customize and mark the different remote controls of the house. Available on demand.
One-channel remote control for one receiver or one group of receivers.
Multi-channel remote control with 7 individual channels and one global channel. Hide unused channels function available.
One-channel remote control for one receiver or one group of receivers. The Lux control allows you to enable or disable the solar function in motors and receivers compatible with the WindTec Lux climate controls.
Multi-channel remote control with 7 individual channels and one global channel. Hide unused channels function available. The Lux control allows you to enable or disable the solar function in motors and receivers compatible with the WindTec Lux climate controls.
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